Friday, September 7, 2012



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other Customer Rating: Secrecy
Price : $22.08
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A variety of perspectives is presented here, as well as useful information. I came away with a clearer sense of the intertwining issues, timelines, pressures, causes and outcomes that have led to the complex behemoth called government secrecy. The struggle presented in this documentary is where to draw the line between revelation and concealment and how to maintain a rational balance between the two. It isn't likely we'll ever reach a unanimous opinion in a country this size but we should all at least have a sense of the dynamics and what's at stake.

As others have pointed out, the information could have been organized in a more chronological manner. At the same time, the mosaic-like presentation made individual stories and pieces of information stand out more for me. An interesting documentary to pair with this one is Cheney's Law, which also involves the topic of secrecy.



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